Matthew Engeldinger

Progress Report

Matthew Engeldinger
Progress Report

Sitting in this warm March sun I feel calm. The breeze is cool and reminds me that even though it’s spring, the weather has been odd. The warm weather may turn cold though the warmth would surely return. This new year has also been strange so far, but strange in a good way. Strange the way a new pair of shoes feel. They’re not broken in, but they’re comfortable in a way that the old shoes no longer were or maybe never were. We’re almost three complete months into the year and I’ve already started wearing some new shoes that, despite that strange feeling, I thoroughly enjoy. To be fair, they are brands of shoes I’ve worn, but I’ve never worn these specific styles. Writing, dating, and playing baseball. Creating, exploring, and adventuring. Also posting cat photos to Instagram, but that’s a completely new brand of shoes.  

My goal for this year is to find new beginnings and to get out and try new things. So far I’m succeeding. I’ve joined a baseball team, continued writing every night, started finding new outlets for my writing like letters and this blog, meeting new people, and have been getting out and seeing new places. I’ve also continued going to things like concerts on my own, something I’d never done much of, but I started towards the end of last year. It’s surprising how enjoyable it is going out to things like that alone. Of course I love sharing them with someone else and oftentimes it’s even more enjoyable to, but it’s still extremely enjoyable to be alone. That’s another part of this year’s quest - enjoy being alone as much as being with someone else. So far, I’ve been able to do both and I hope to continue keeping that balance. I do a good job of keeping busy, but in the past I never would have thought to go visit a new park, visit a cool restaurant, go to a movie, or see a concert if I didn’t have someone to go with me. Simply learning to do those things has been a fun adventure. I plan on continuing to push where I go. Soon, I’m going to go camping - alone! Of course I don’t only want to go alone; the new experience is going alone. Unless I get eaten by a bear; then it’s both a first and last experience.  As Sarah points out, that would still be a new experience.

I still have plenty ahead of me.  I’m going to continue working on this blog and seeing where else my writing can take me. I’m hoping more poems and some fiction will find their way out of my brain through my fingers. Dating has been interesting and exciting thus far and I’m really looking forward to seeing where it goes. I have many more adventures and places to explore in mind.  We’ll see what happens along the way. I’m as close to being back on the metaphorical path that I wish to be on as I could possibly be!